Urban Engine Presents: 32/10 Speaker Series with Amanda Kruse, Founder/CEO Discount Divas

Urban Engine is honored to be able to host a fireside chat with Amanda Halpin-Kruse, founder/CEO of Discount Divas. Amanda will share how she got the idea to start her Discount Divas when she was a nurse at Huntsville Hospital and within 3 years she has reached $1M/month in revenue. Key takeaways from Amanda's story will include: How she transitioned from RN to Business Owner and has consistently grown her business. How she was able to use Facebook to increase sales and build her customer base. Milestones that she considered to be indicators that her business was heading in the right direction and how she's using those to set future goals.

Urban Engine presents 32/10 Speaker Series - Amanda Halpin-Kruse, Founder of Discount Divas. Join us the evening of Wednesday, September 12th, 2018, at 5:30pm, at Huntsville West. DETAILS ======== Urban Engine is honored to be able to host a fireside chat with Amanda Halpin-Kruse, founder/CEO of Discount Divas.