Kevin Fernandez [Humanoids of Huntsville]


Back when Kevin E. Fernandez was studying sports entertainment and management in Rhode Island, he probably never figured he’d end up in the insurance and financial services business. Or, for that matter, in Alabama.

But one thing he always knew for sure.

“When I left Puerto Rico to go to college,” Kevin says, “I left with the mindset of: I wanted to become successful and create a successful life.”

So far so good. Kevin came to North Alabama for an internship with the Huntsville Stars in 2011 and stuck around to build that successful life. He transitioned into insurance and financial services later that year, worked his way up to partner in 2014, ran his firm’s sales office in Chattanooga for a couple years, and started Fernandez Financial Group, LLC in 2017.

Not that it was easy.

“Six months into (working in insurance and financial services), I was broke and thinking about leaving the business. And now looking back, I’m so glad I didn’t do that,” Kevin says. “Since I’ve come back from Chattanooga, things have been unbelievable. I had never thought about getting into the insurance and financial services business, but now I’ve learned to love the business. In the beginning, I saw it as a job just to make some money, just to make ends meet. Now it’s my passion.”

As for others considering the leap into entrepreneurship, Kevin recommends following a plan from the outset. Many aspiring business owners have families, mortgages, and other responsibilities that complicate the start-up process. So it’s also important to have a support network like Urban Engine in place.

“I don’t know of any other organization in town or any other place that has the ecosystem and infrastructure and opportunities for individuals who may have a 9 to 5 and still want to find a way to make their idea work,” Kevin says. “There’s nobody else in town doing what Urban Engine is doing, at least that I know of.”